Center for Food Safety/True Food Network The Center for Food Safety works to protect human health and the environment by curbing the proliferation of harmful food production technologies and by promoting organic and other forms of sustainable agriculture. CFS has offices in Washington, DC and San Francisco, CA
Es*sense: Esmaa's Sense of Things good food, good health plus occasional silliness tempered by the odd mention of Wonderhubby's robotics business (oh, and hiking: lots of hiking)
Monsanto and GM Discussions
GM Watch Keep up to date with the latest news on the issue of genetically modified (GM) food and crops and find out about the deceptive PR campaigns being used to promote GM worldwide.
Facebook Group: Earth vs. Monsanto Why give Corporate interests control of nutrition and the power to destroy and wipe out plant species with their GM'd plants? If corn varieties were seals or pandas, this company would be shut down.
Facebook Group: Millions Against Monsanto Seeking to raise awareness about this dreaded corporation that has spread its genetically modified seed all over the world, pushed its bestselling broadleaf pesticide "round-up" for years, sued family farms for a "technology fee" because their fields had been contaminated with Monsanto seeds, and tricked farmers in other parts of the world into believing that using Monsanto seeds would increase yield when it has done exactly the opposite!
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